What We Do for Windsor
Discover the history of your neighborhood. Find out who owned the ranch at the turn of the century, what they farmed, and where they came from before settling in Windsor. The Windsor Historical Society will help track down ownership history through our collection of maps and maybe even find a photograph.
Did you have an ancestor that lived in Windsor?
Maybe their house is still standing and you would like a photo or just information on where the house was located.
Were your ancestors buried in Windsor?
We can help track down which cemetery they were buried in, find out if they had additional family members in the Windsor area, and photograph the headstones. We have listings of most burials in the Russian River Township and this includes the Shiloh Cemetery, the Faught Cemetery and the Hill Cemetery.
The downtown has many buildings and homes that have survived from the 1800’s and have interesting stories.
The Hembree House Museum is open Friday, Saturday and Sunday, except for major holidays from 9:30 to 4:30. The museum may also be opened by appointment. The museum grounds offer a wonderful location to sit and relax and contemplate why this particular location was chosen as the best spot to settle in Windsor. The historical society can provide tables and chairs for outdoor meetings and or events such as family reunions.
Members of the historical society are available as speakers for school functions, service clubs or neighborhood events.